Saturday, September 16, 2006

I'm the worst friend on the face of the planet


My friend's wedding party? It's on now and I'm not there. I'm one of those people that are so anti-social that will do just about anything or make up any excuse not to have to go to something that involves me interacting with people I've never met because I do feel that socially retarded. However, this was not one of those things and I was really looking forward to going because Caro was excited about me meeting some of her friends, and I've met some of them before and they were easy-going. Also, I hadn't seen her fiance's family in a long time and it would be nice to see them again.

So what happened? I was relying on my Mum to drive me out, cos its about 1.30hr from here. She was going to go visit a friend just so I could go for an hour or two (since I had no other way of getting there or getting home) and she thought it was sunday. I went to bed knowing it was today, but for some reason when I woke up, I remembered thinking "wait up, today is only the 15th....Wow, thank God I checked that... that would be so embarrassing turning up today." That was about 10am, then I mosied around the house for awhile and watched TV and at about 12, I was checking a forum that I frequent, and I remembered a bulletin the artist posted about an album coming out "on the 16th" and at midnight he said, "you can buy it today!" .... and then it dawned on me. (Isn't it effed up how things dawn on you like that?) so I rush out to my Mum thinking it wasn't too late, I'd just have to get dressed and I'd be late.

I yelled at my Mum for not reminding me. We got in to a fight (she was still in her pajamas) she says "too bad, it's too late." She too, apparently thought it was tomorrow. So she refused to do anything about it. So I had to call and cancel.

I'm really, really upset about it. And bless her she was so understanding, but gosh, if it were me, I'd be so pissed and I'd be wondering where my friend's priorities are... I am trying to think of other ways to get there, but unfortunately they don't come with ways to get back...

I'm the biggest asshole friend on the face of the planet, and Caro, it's okay if you feel that way too. :( I promise I would never have wanted to miss it in a million years.

1 comment:

Dorinny said...

Don't feel bad. These things happen.

Hey, my brother is missing his friend's bachelor party because he already made plans to go to the Hunter Valley with my sister and I that same weekend.. wouldn't be such a huge deal if my brother wasn't the groom's BEST MAN..

C'est la Vie..