Monday, August 14, 2006

Somewhere over the rainbow...

So maybe the sun will shine for a little bit. I know I'm praying for it, but I don't want to count the chickens before they hatch.

Basically, today I went to the auto repairs to buy a new battery for my car. Coincidentally, its out of registration today. I picked up a used battery for $20. Brilliant. See, I only need the battery so that my car will actually run and it'll have enough energy to drive it down the street to the mechanic.

They recommended a mechanic to Mum and I. We went there to maybe try to get a rough estimate of how much it would cost. For those who don't know what happened to my stupid car, you can read about it here. (The saddest day of my life.....almost) So we went around there and the man told us that if the headgasket isnt cracked, and if it's just blown, then it should only be around $400-600 to fix. That to me is GREAT. If it is cracked then I'm looking at around $1000 (if that's the case, I might just get rid of the car). He said that the fact that the car is even still going is a really good sign. (I drove it about 25 minutes after I originally blew it.) If thats the case, and I can get it fixed for under $800, I'm very happy. I'll pay for it. I then have to get the registration changed over to Victoria, which means it has to get tested to make sure that it's roadworthy.

I think that something shifty was conducted to get it to pass registration before, because I know that there was an oil leak. In fact, I think that's what caused the blown headgasket to begin with. So! I want to pay to ensure the entire thing is roadworthy, that way I should be able to ensure that I will get at least another year or two's use out of it. So all up with registration, I might be looking at around $1200 to fix up completely and let me tell you, that is okay with me.

I'm very poor at the moment, but I am doing a little data entry work and all the money that I've been making with my bags is slowly adding up. As soon as my car is fixed my job options just completely widen and I have that huge air of independance again. I can even apply to Monash Uni out here and transfer later. I counted up all my money earlier (right down to the last dollars, seriously.) and I think I already have roughly around $300 saved without being paid for what I've already done data-entry wise (and have some that I'm currently doing) and I still have some money that I'm expecting from bags and other auctions that I've got going on ebay.

So please pray for me that it will all work out as it should. :)



Anonymous said...

Oh Jessy, big hugs to you on the car front.

I had some massive dramas with my old car (just before I bought the new one) - it blew its head gasket on my way to Jason's place on the M4 !! I know what it's like to break down on the busy roads..

The funnier thing? While my car was being repaired, I was driving my brothers old car. Guess what happened?

No joke.

It's head gasket blew on my way home from work. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?

Sending well wishes and new car vibes down there - but the most important thing is that a car is just a car, your mum was right. *hugs*


Anonymous said...

Put every penny in your piggy bank and stickytape the lid shut ( to avoid temptation!) :P
Great news Jess!! XXX

MJJ Insider said...

Alynda, thanks so much!! AT least someone can relate with car issues. LOL 2 blown headgaskets. What a joke!

Thanks both of you for the lovely msgs =)

Anonymous said...

I would say that everyone with a car, can relate to car problems sadly. :(

Just wanted to let you know Jess that swapping your Rego over isn't any huge emergency. I left my car as Victorian registered for the entire 2 years I lived in The 1 time I had to show my licence to the police I just told them that I was only there temporarily and my permanent address was in Victoria, and they didn't have a problem with it.

Just a thought if you want to put off that part of the cost for a while. :)