Saturday, December 31, 2005

Virtual Rosary

Thanks so much to Jonathon for suggesting this fantastic website. I downloaded the program and it's such an amazing little thing! I'll use it for my daily Rosary until I get the hang of it completely :) Thank you!!!!

I have no plans for New Years. It's going to be a quiet one at home. My stepfather is at work and my Mum and I are here at home. New Years Eve is blah. Last year I went to Sydney to watch the fireworks because my friend was visiting from New Zealand so I thought I'd make the effort. It was like a tin of sardines, though, honestly. And the fireworks were pretty and all, but I was just like.... ew can we go home now? I hate crowds. And I hate how people think New Year is a great excuse for random hobos and rogues to come up with their skanky drunken breath and give you a New Years kiss.

Yucksville. And all the New Years Eve parties I've ever been to end up turning out to be masqueraded orgies. Oh sure, exactly the type of scene I hang with.


In saying that, I hope everyone has a fantastic and SAFE New Years Eve. Ill be sitting outside watching the firecrackers from my yard, probably and then I'll call my bestfriend who's stuck in hospital. Poor her!

Be safe, God Bless!


Unknown said...

I'm so glad that Jonathan's suggestion helped, I knew that he would work something out! If I can learn it, anyone can learn it. I do it once a week.
Oh your poor best friend! I will be home before midnight tonight, when I wrote my post I thought I would stay up but changed my mind, the main reason is drink drivers, I honestly don't want to be caught up with that risk on the roads.
Most of my new years eves have been at home with my family and I really like it, last year I was able to spend it with Jonathan's family, I think nights at home can be far more rewarding than those drunken orgie things lol.
Have a happy new year's eve, many blessings, see you in 2006!
much love xx

PS I just read your "Contact Moi" thing, you are so funny, I love that, you will make a very good writer

Unknown said...

ok I stayed til midnight and watched the fire works, happy new year lol at 1.17am, sleep well xx

PS we all behaved :D)

MJJ Insider said...

hahaha Happy New Year. I'm a pike out. I stayed home and called my friend in hospital and stayed on the phone with her.

My Mother and I had a massive fight right before new year hahaha it involved shouting and slamming doors and she slammed my bedroom door so hard that it broke and I was locked in. I spent the turn of the new yr locked in to my room.

Hahahaha. Classy! At least it was something out of the ordinary.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to be helpful. Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Hi there, I didn't expect to find this blog when I was searching for info on Tummy Tuck In. Anyways, I had a look around, lots of great stuff! I'm glad I took the time. Good luck