Saturday, December 17, 2005

The reasons behind this...

I like to refer to my reversion to Catholicism the day that I "made friends with God again." I don't like the expression of "getting saved" or "accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior.", because that doesn't feel real to me, and I always thought it sounded a bit too easy.

Never the less, since I picked up where I left off with God way back at my baptism almost 20 yrs ago, I have found things really difficult and hard to grasp in regards to pretty much everything. My views on life have dramatically changed, sometimes I find it hard to decipher between right and wrong and what would please my Lord and what would displease my Lord.

Since no one in my family is remotely religious, I also found it difficult to find someone who could help answer my questions-- especially the ones that I felt extremely stupid for even having to ask. I wished that there had of been a website or something that could answer all of the ending questions that seem to swim around my head, even now, almost an entire year on. So, the reason for this website is so I can share the knowledge of what I've learned about my Lord, my God and share it with people that too, have questions that they aren't sure who to direct them to.

If I am asked things that I don't necessarily know the answer to, I will strive to find it and in that way, I will also be learning more, myself. I will post links that I find worthy of reading and I will post a passage a day and explain what it means to me.

I hope that readers will find this interesting and will add this blog to their links.

God Bless you,


Unknown said...

I am actually going to link to you, I know many who would love to read your reversion story that you have written here.
God bless x

Anonymous said...

Thanks Carmel! I will link back to you also :)