Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas day in a photographic nutshell

I'm now back. I have a bit of a rant to write about what happened with my Aunt and a discussion about my religion, but after the 12hr+ drive home from Sydney today, I am in dire need of a good cool shower (it's so hot!) and a good night's sleep. (And finally home with my beautiful Billie who I freshly bathed) so here are a couple of my photos from Christmas Day. Truly I cherished the time I spent with my best friend, as she has had the toughest and yet most satisfying year of her life. Maybe I'll share more about her later, but her turn around is such an amazing gift from God.

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Me, unwrapping my beautiful bottle of my favourite perfume Jean Paul Gaultier. Mmmm. (bad choice with the white skirt. I know.)

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Christmas Eve, being a goose.

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With my Mummy. :)

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With my future sister-in-law (as of April. I'm the bridesmaid!)

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My brother wearing one of his silly wigs, and his fiance. (My brother has this strange fettish for wigs. LOL)

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With my bestfriend, Penelope.

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With my second Mum, Penelope's Mum.

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Swimming at Penelope's. Yes. My hair is great, of this I am aware. Spare the compliments, pleeeease... hahahaha.

And finally, satisfying my biting problem. (Hahaha)
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I actually look like an extention from her body, right? hahaha.

Okie dokie, don't you all just feel so fullfilled?? I need a quick cool shower then I'm off to the land of nod. Oh man, it feels so good to be home. And man, I need to fix the blog layout, it's driving me insane. It looks sooooooo low-budget at the mo with the HTML errors.

Toorah! Good night and God Bless and Praise God for the gift of family and friends. :)


Out Of Jersey said...

Cute pics of you and your fam. Though what are you doing to that girl in the last one? Giving her a rasberry?

Unknown said...

Welcome home gal! I love the look on that guys face while you are biting your friend,he looks rather concerned, so you bite?
It's great to see your photos, your family and friends look sweet. I have had those religious discussions about being Catholic and one guy said to me without knowing I was Catholic.."my dad is sick, but I don't think he is saved, he is Catholic" I didn't know what to say! But I hope your convo went well. I wish I could help with the html, I suck at it.
Again, welcome home,
much love
Carmel xxx

Out Of Jersey said...

As a former catholic let me give some recent observations:

(1)There are a younger breed of catholics who are interested in having a true and meaningful relationship with God through Jesus Christ his only begotten son.

(2) This younger breed isn't so quick to just accept what the church says is true and is seeking it out on their own.

(3) More protestants are returning to a more orthodox faith.

Both you and Carmel are just adorable. Wish we could package that. Have any single friends in Amnerica that you can send my way who are just as adorable as you?

MJJ Insider said...

Hahaha, it's just a healthy little bite... It's a bit more of a joke. Both of us had obsessions with Vampires when we used to play together when we were kiddies. And somehow we'd incorperate the swimming pool to our make-believe dracula games (although it didn't involve biting back then) so we were just reliving... Her little brother was more concerned about having his head in the pic!! hahaha.

Cube, you could just marry an Australian and move here!!! hahaha. I hear it's what everyone does these days? :P

antonia said...

Hey Jess! Glad to hear you are back! Thanks for sharing the pictures; I love looking at photos! I look forward to hearing about your conversation with your Aunt!

Carmel...ouch! That's a horrible comment that guy made about his dad!

Cube..I'm not entirely sure I agree with your points!
What exactly do you mean by point number 2?
We believe that every single thing the Catholic Church proclaims regarding faith & morals is true.

"seeking out" truth on your own is what Protestantism is all about (and that's why you have several hundred conflicting arguements about what is, and isn't true, amongst Protestants denominations).

As a 'younger breed' of Catholic, I can assure you that I speak for myself and others when I say I am very quickly accept everything the Church says as she is infallible in what she proclaims.

anyway, I don't want to hijack Jess's thread!

I just wanted to point out that so-called "pick & choose" Catholicism is most certainly NOT what the younger breed of Catholics is all about! We are true Catholics and submit ourselves readily to ALL the Holy-Spirit inspired truth taught God's One and Only True Church! and don't just 'seek out' what we think is true!

If the Church teaches it is true, then it is true!

(sorry Jess! Don't want to side-track your thread! -x-)

Out Of Jersey said...

I'm just speaking of experience here in america. with all the scandal that is going on here (and there is a lot), many young catholics I have met aren't just saying, "This is what the church believes so then it must be true." Many of them are becoming more curious about their faith, and what it really means. Sometimes embracing the catholic doctrine even more, others not as much. I've visited many different types of churches, I'm seeing that as a trend for those who stay in the main line denominations. There is a restlessness, it's hard to explain, but people are tired of church as usual. That is both good and bad. Good because it opens them up to trying new things, bad because they can wind up totally disregarding the good of church history. A friend of mine wrote a brilliant post on Orthodoxy


I can't speak for all catholics no better than I can speak for all Presbyterians (the denomination which I'm a member of). But the ones I have met who are interested in their faith want more.

antonia said...

Okay, well if your point is from your experience then I can't argue!

However, I would still like to make clear that Catholics are required to believe EVERYTHING that the Church proclaims & teaches to be true.

Certainly, asking questions, and seeking to understand why the Church teaches what it does are good things (not least because the Church has infallable teachings supporting everything she proclaims, and when one understands them one can better teach them to others!)

But 'not understanding' is not an justification for not living as the Church teaches.

Not understanding presents an opportunity to be humble and ask the Holy Spirit to open your heart and mind to understand the teachings of His Church.
It is only an arrogant heart that says; "I don't think that's true so I'm not going accept it."

And from my (moderatly large) experience of young Catholics (from their mid-teens to young twenties; the so-called JP2 generation) I would say that they accept with joy everything the Church teaches, and even if they don't quite understand why the Church teaches what it does, they still defend it because they know that it must be true, because God's Church has proclaimed it!

(apologies again Jess for hijacking this thread!)

Out Of Jersey said...

I never said they didn't live what the church teaches. What I am saying is they are seeking a deeper understanding of what that means. I'd be remiss if I just did what my church taught and didn't actually consider what it means to do these things. Worship, Bible Study, Prayer, the creeds, what do they mean? How do they apply to my life? What relevance do they have? Asking these questions doesn't take away from their meaning or signifigance in my life, it's an act of faith. Since the recent sex scandals here in America more Catholics are taking ownership of their church and desiring to take a more active role within it as laiety (sp?). They aren't taking away from the teachings of the church, if anything they are making it their own and having a better understanding of what it means. It doesn't take away from who the church is, it's history, or the strength of its doctrine. I think you are misunderstanding my meaning. Their seeking is not taking away their faith, but renewing it.