Thursday, December 22, 2005

Higher lifted up we bless Your name.

In your Holiness, we find redemption song
In your majesty, I find where I belong
Hosanna, you are Holy and exalted
Hosanna, you are higher lifted up
Hosanna, you are worthy of all praise

We worship You...

One of my dearest friend's grandmother passed away at around 4am this morning. Please can you keep her family in your prayers.

At about 3am, Mum and I are leaving to drive to Sydney for Christmas day (it's about 14 hr drive from where we live in Victoria.) It's so hard to split Christmas between two parents, but this year it's going to be exceptionally hard with my brother (24yrs) finally being settled and engaged with his own house (last yr he was with a different girl and still living with Dad and I at home) and doing his own thing with his fiance's family.

I expected for some silly reason to go to my Aunts house around lunch, after having morning with my Dad and his long-term girlfriend. And at my Aunts house my brother would turn up with his beautiful fiance and her daughter, and I'd spend the rest of the day there with them and my Mum. That would have been my perfect day, anyway... but alas not. My brother is having Christmas at his house with his fiance's entire family. I was invited there for lunch. My Mum and Aunt are going elsewhere for lunch and my Dad is going up the coast right after lunch. So I'm a bit in limbo as to how to spend it. My Mum then decided she would have lunch too at my brothers... but then found out my Dad would be there, so she went back to plan A.

It's not even like my parents hate each other or had some disgusting, selfish and messy divorce. It wasn't anything like that, they're mostly quite civil, just in the past year or so things have been awkward. Weird. And yet, selfish. Anyway.

So I'm a bit bothered by it all and it's really stressful. I dont want to go to my brother's house on my own cause I dont know anyone and I always seem to commit social suicide wherever I go, so unless my Dad is going, I won't. The plan for now is that I'll stay the night at my Aunt's have Xmas morning with my Mum, go to my brothers (if my Dad is there) and then go to my bestfriends house in the afternoon.

My bestfriend is the closest person in the entire world to me. She knows me the best. (Well, not as well as Jesus knows me!) Going to her place will be a massive wind down, thank the Good Lord. I need to just relax about it all, there's no point stressing. I also want to make a visit to church, but because I don't have a car while I'm in Sydney, it probably wont get to happen. :(

Anyway, I hope everyone has an amazing and merry Christmas filled with lots of blessings, joy and love. I hope that we'll all remember the day for it's true meaning and will keep safe!

I won't be back for about 4 or 5 days! God Bless!


Unknown said...

Jessy, have yourself a wonderful and happy Christmas, filled with blessings all round.
I look forward to reading about your times when you get back.
Carmel xxxx

antonia said...

ditto Carmel!

Hope you have (/had) a very blessed & joyous Christmas!

i look forward to seeing you when you get back!