Monday, December 19, 2005

Seek And You Will Find

During my very first true and interested conversation about God with another Catholic, a passage of the bible was recited to me. I couldn't remember it word for word, but at the time it meant so much to me. A couple of weeks later I bought my own bible and without having any idea where I should begin reading, I flipped open the page very casually during the train ride back to my house and found the exact quote that had been recited to me;

"Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking , and the door will be open. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks." - Matthew 7:7-8

I felt amazed that this passage had simply fallen in to my lap as I had been struggling so hard to remember it. I felt like it was God reminding me of his persistence with me. I found this passage to be helpful in reminding me that nothing would be kept from me. It gave me confidence and strength in seeking to find answers to everything that didn't clearly make too much sense just yet. It made me feel less guilty about impeding on the lives of other Christian's by asking for their help in guiding me along the right path, to help me understand.

It basically summed up how God and I had made friends. At first it was He, who was knocking. I was doing my part as usual, pretending I wasn't home. Closing the curtains, hiding under the table, fearing His company or what he sought-after in me. My Lord is unrelenting and persistent, though. He never gave up on me. He found other means of unlocking my door - He was a bit tricky about it, a little mysterious if you will -- but I think it was my Grandmother who once told me that God worked in mysterious ways. How right she was!

Once the door to my heart was ajar, He let outside forces do the rest. Upon unlatching the lock to my heart, I took a peep around to see who had been knocking, but no one was there. I was confused. I stepped outside, took a bigger look around -- everything outside of that door had changed. Everything that seemed familiar and normal seemed dark and hard to face. It was almost as if I could see evil working overtime all of a sudden. Things that seemed perfectly acceptable in society, seemed no longer. I ran back inside, and shut the door until I felt safe.

God's game of knock-and-run carried on for a little while until I was coerced by an unknown force to again, step outside of what I knew and take a good look around me and try to figure out what and who it was pulling at my heart strings. I started to do a bit of digging myself, followed by some door knocking. Surprisingly, people answered - they heeded my desire to know why this mysterious fellow was continually disturbing my self-absorbed and surface-happy life!

The answers that I'd been searching for, I had struck like a pot of Gold at a rainbow after a dark and bleak storm. The smile that filled my lips was one of pure gladness, of light and of love and of a superior knowing that God loves me.

And you know what? Nothing else matters anymore. The depression went away, the anxiety filling my heart seemed to dissipate and the loneliness that encumbered me is also no longer - because God is always with me, and I can never ever be alone. The only times that these feelings come back to me, is when I start to stray from Him.

But with Him, I can never be unhappy.

Praise God!


Fayrouz said...

Hi Seek2Find,

Thank you for visiting my blog. I started reading your blog and I'm really enjoying it.

Tell you a secret? You reminded me of myself when I was your age and was trying to find God. I learned over the years that God loves us just the way we are.

Merry Christmas. I sometimes miss the hot Christmas in Australia :-)

antonia said...

What a truely insightful and beautifully written post!

It sounds like me a handful of years ago (just much much more articulate than I am!)

God Bless you!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jessy, thanks for letting me come to your blog. I was wondering where you'd gone!
And yes, G-d is always with you. He created you. He gave you a soul, and you are His child - He would never abandon you. Now, this is not entirely related, but I thought you might enjoy it (it is a reply to an email someone sent my Rabbi asking whether their birth was an accident because they were born several weeks prematurely):

Your birthday is chosen by G-d - not your parents, your astrologer or the obstetrician. Birth is G-d saying that the world can't go on without you. It is the day that your soul's mission had to begin.

There were already more than six billion people on earth when you were born. Did the world really need you? Can one more soul really make a difference? Obviously the answer is yes; otherwise G-d would not have sent your soul to this earth. The fact that you were born means there must be some unique gift that you have to offer the world that none of those other six billion people could possibly achieve.

Your birthday is an opportunity to reflect: This is the day that my soul was despatched on its mission. How is the mission going? Have I been contributing my part to the furthering of G-d's purpose to create heaven on earth? Have I been doing my bit to enhance and improve myself and my world? How much time and energy do I spend on meaningful pursuits? How much time could I add to that amount in the coming year?

Far from being an accident, your birth was clearly a deliberate act. The fact that you surprised your parents, and you arrived early just shows how urgently the world needed you - your soul couldn't even wait a few weeks for the due date to get down here. G-d had another due date in mind.

Your soul was sent down by priority delivery. Make sure your soul always remains a priority.

Source: Rabbi Richie Moss (Chinuch Foundation, Sydney)

Unknown said...

I agree with Antonia, she took the words out of my mouth (or keyboard) that is a very beautifully written post, you explain it all so well.
I love that particular passage too, and it's nice to be reminded of that because it encourages us to take a refreshed approach to our faith.

MJJ Insider said...

Dorin!!! That was great!:) Thanks for posting it. It sure makes a lot of sense, doesn it? I love you and I miss you and Ill send you an email before you leave for Israel! I have to give you Sharona's phone numbers (she asked me to pass them on.) :D only 4 more days :D:D

Fayrouz, thank you for the lovely comment! I appreciate your words!:)

Antonia, thanks for the compliments :D

Carmel, the passage is actually my absolute favourite :D along with Matthew 7! :D The Book Of Matthew is so great! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessy, I will call you tonight if thats ok :) and I have sharona's phone number already :) I'll call her when I'm in Israel.

Anonymous said...

Wow Jess, That is probably one of the best things you have ever written!
I feel that i still have the door closed but have always had my eye through the peep hole. I know whats on the other side of the door- i see its beauty. ....but do i have the courage to open it.
I sometimes believe that that is why i turned on D-mon. He looked to me as being a really good Christian, but when he learnt more and more about the faith and started talking to me about it....realised i wasnt as "good" as i had claimed.
So i pushed him on the other side of the door and deadlocked it. I didnt need someone telling me that. But now im starting to believe it.

Dorinny- i liked that passage about birth.