Wednesday, December 21, 2005

A terrible addiction.

Well, I know there's addictions that could be much worse -- but blogging has always been addictive. I've had a blog since I was 16, way back in 1998. It's funny when I read back on the entries because they were so angry and so filled with heavy teenage angst that I liked to console myself that I never harbored. What a joke.

Today has been one of those days where I just didn't want to force myself to get out of bed. I could hear the wind blowing hard outside my window, my beautiful Billie was nosing at my arm to wake me up to be let outside to pee, and I just didn't want to. I'm an insomniac, and last night I went to bed before midnight and finished reading my trashy Nicole Richie novel (yeah, that's right. I own it. It was a birthday gift, in my defense and it wasn't too bad, surprisingly.) so I had no excuse for sleeping in so late.

I hate to be bored, but that's I am -- hence me boring everyone with a non-eventful blog entry. The first thing I did after my shower was jump online because there's nothing else to do in this ghost town! I was supposed to pick up a Christmas gift for my friend, but I told myself I'd do it tomorrow. (which is what I told myself yesterday when I couldn't be bothered getting out of bed before 11.) I'm turning in to a sloth.

I was having a conversation with a friend the other night about what type of things I want to change in my life, or rather what things I need to change in my life. And they're not massive things, but they are things that I recognise that I do that could be damaging to other people, and make me feel really bad.

I swear a lot. It's sometimes like breathing, that's how easily it comes to me. I look like I'm 15, curse words coming from a little girl is not at all becoming. There's nothing worse than seeing a young girl, pretty and sweet with a whole load of gutter talk coming from her lips. Infact, when I see it, I crinkle my nose and shoot a look of repugnance. It's cheap and tacky and turns me off. So why am I letting myself do the same?

I think bad things about people - some that I know, some that I don't. I was watching TV at a friends house cynically hurling insults at just about anyone who appeared on the screen. My friend commented on what a mean bitch I was, and we laughed... but-- in that instance I felt a hard slap upon the realisation that, it was a joke that thinly vieled the truth. I do it a lot -- when people say things that I deem as stupid, ask stupid questions or do something to annoy me, I conjure up the most arrogant and hateful things in my head about the person. Or, I make some sarky remark, that usually the other party doesn't entirely get. I hate myself for even thinking badly about the attire of someone walking down the street. How dare I be so judgemental?

And isn't it ironic that my self-esteem is generally so low and my biggest fear is being in public or amoungst a load of people that I don't know because I am frightened of being judged or of people thinking that I'm a dud? (That's dud, not dude.)

My friend told me that these are normal things that everyone does, that it's human nature. She (from an unreligious stand point) told me that God would understand. But I disagree. Our Lord Jesus tells us not to judge or else we shall be judged. I don't want to judge other's because, I myself, do not like to be unjustly judged. And it's not normal behavior at all - it's just a pattern of behavior that our twisted society let's us believe is normal -- just like everything else.

Of course I tell God I am sorry what I do, I ask him for the strength to curb my dark thoughts and unfair judgements, but mostly I find myself just doing it again. And I hate myself for it. I know I have made a bit of an improvement. My forked tongue isn't so forked anymore. I find forgiveness comes a lot easier than it did in the past, but sometimes the devil still fills my head with spite.

I do go on, don't I? I guess my point is, is that I dislike how these things can all be accepted as normal behavior just because everybody does it. It's like drinking alcohol, being promiscuious and doing drugs just because it's what society tells us normal behavior. It's not. I don't like to be given the raised eyebrow when I tell people I'm a virgin or that I don't believe in pre-maritual sex, or drink until I get soooooooOOooOO traaShed!!!!1111one. It's annoying and patronising.

But yet, I'm still doing the same, just on other levels (and possibly worse, because I know what I'm doing is wrong, but I keep doing it.)


And so on top of that, I feel that today I am a traitor to my Guy Sebastian post-teenage fandom, because I have been listening to the new Shannon Noll (his 2003 Australian Idol arch nemises) album, non stop. And did I mention my new crush on the lead singer of Taxiride, Jason Singh? Oh yeah. I wonder who will be my object of affection next week.


Unknown said...

You have a very humble heart, and that is the key to trying our best to be our best. (I stole that from a preist giving a sermon on monday night lol) I thought that was pretty spot on.
In that post I can tell just how humble hearted you are, that is wonderful and God looks into your heart and sees that too. We try but we fail constantly, it sucks being human ;)
I think the singer of Taxiride is pretty cutey pops too! Good taste x

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, it is in our nature to judge. You just have to know when to draw the line.

If you are in a waiting room and a beautiful girl walks in and you think to yourself 'Wow, she's beautiful. I bet she has the boys all lined up!' That's judgement. But it's not negative is it?

If you are in a waiting room and you see a mother consumed in her own affiars totally disregarding her child when the child tries to get her attention and you think to yourself, 'Poor kid, what a rotten mum.' That's judgement. It IS negative.

But any human being will look at a situation and judge it for themselves. Even wild animals do it, and who taught them? It's just how we work. You aren't a bad person if you do that. It might sound like just an excuse to say it's human nature, but it is. Even little children, untainted by society will make small judgements.

Has anyone ever told you, 'Your your judgement!' Probably. If a haggard old fellow comes to your door asking to come in for a glass of water. Your judgement is going to tell you not to, for your own safety. But what is that? You based your decision because he doesn't look safe. Do you really think God will be mad at your for that? Say you had small children you worried about?

You have to willingly TRAIN yourself not to make uneeded negative ones. Break the habit.

I think being so unreasonably critical of others comes with not being totally happy with yourself. That sounds cliche, but it's very true.

Think about it. If you are 100% content with every aspect of your life. Family, friends, personal, physical, emotional, romantic, spiritual, educational, occupational...

Would you really look at that one person on TV and scoff because of whatever petty reason you did so? Because they are a little goofy looking, because they talk funny, because they are too pretty, too confident... Probably not.

That's not to say that happy people never say hurtful things, but when you are happy, being critical of others or even yourself comes less easy, there isn't time for it.

It's not satan, it's a personal thing, you just have to find your inner happiness! Just work on it. Next time you see something that sets you off, start off by just not saying anything. You don't have to vocalize your thoughts. You don't have to tell that person what you think of them. Even though God may still have heard it, at least that person wouldn't have been burnt by your comments.

For cursing? Start thinking of words to put in place of your usual obscenities. Fart, dang, shoot..they sound pretty corny. But it's a start. Because you are right, constant cursing doesn't look good on anyone. Especially not a lady.

I hope I don't sound patronizing, but if you don't stop a habit, it's because you either aren't trying or because you don't want to. Just acknowledging that it's a bad habit isn't enough.

I bet your sitting at your computer thinking, who in the world is this person telling me how to run my life? I'm just trying to lend a hand. This isn't out of spite or disdain.

Thanks for sharing this blog with us bloggers.


Anonymous said...

"Has anyone ever told you, 'Your your judgement!' Probably. "

I meant, 'USE'..silly me! Sorry mate!


MJJ Insider said...

Carmel, thanks for your post :) You're such a sweet heart!

Annonymous, I don't quite know what to make of your replies to me, so I don't really know what to say in reply. I feel like I'm being admonished. What you say makes sense in theory yes, but I'm not talking about judgements that aren't coming from a good place. Even if you had such judged someone "Wow, what a rotten parent", that is coming from a place of empathy not so dark as, "OMGOODNESS LOOK AT THAT BEAUTIFUL GIRL, I BET SHES A DIRTY ASS SKANK" ... as I probably would. (Embarrassing to admit!)

One thing that I do know and recognize is the following;

I think being so unreasonably critical of others comes with not being totally happy with yourself. That sounds cliche, but it's very true.

Think about it. If you are 100% content with every aspect of your life. Family, friends, personal, physical, emotional, romantic, spiritual, educational, occupational...

Would you really look at that one person on TV and scoff because of whatever petty reason you did so? Because they are a little goofy looking, because they talk funny, because they are too pretty, too confident... Probably not.

I agree.

As for you being annonymous, it is a little unsettling since you've offered little info about yourself, and I have to admit I'm a little hostile about that due to past experiences.

But I do thank you for making the effort to reply to my blog anyway. I appreciate it :)

Unknown said...

*scratching my head.... awww Jess you are just a sweety too. Goodnight and just know that your dad (God) loves ya!

antonia said...

Hey! your posts are admirably honest!

The thing that has honestly and truthfully helped me to reduce in frequency all those sins that I hate doing, is confession.


Like, every 2 weeks, or every month at most.

It's just astounding how God pours out graces in confession. Through confession of the same things, month-in, month-out I am being given the strength to change some of my vices (I still have a looong way to go though!).

Confession truely does transform your heart and mind and will.

As you know well, being a St. Faustina fan, God's mercy is unfathomably endless. If you sincerely repent, confess and have a genuine desire to change...He will give you the graces to do so!

I'm praying for you!
lotsa love,

MJJ Insider said...

Thank you both :)

Antonia, I was going to do my confession just recently, but I had a little situation that happened with the priest that I contacted (nothing bad) and I couldn't attend the meeting we'd set up. Time has passed and I've let laziness overcome me, but as soon as I get back from Sydney after Christmas, I'll call him again to reschedule. There's a couple things about confession that confuse me though.


Thanks for your prayers, I appreciate that :)


Anonymous said...

Well you've hit me to the T here Jess.

As you proabably see, most people see me as a "nice sweet girl"...but the reason why i humbly (what seems to be humility) decline the compliment- is that i KNOW what runs through my head. I never verbalise it- but its there. ALl the time. I HATE people and use that word so much its scary.
I look down on people so much BECAUSE of the fact that i have made myself not be the person that "society" thinks is right. Im the anti- of everything(as you know) and i think I DO feel myself being all high and mighty that i dont mingle in the actions that they do- and for that reason have every right to think the things I do.
And with these thoughts...there goes any self respect i have.