Sunday, October 01, 2006

Some kind of sick twisted joke!

This has got to be some kind of sick and twisted joke. More than anything, I am deeply amused. If I wasn't so amused I'd be feeling pretty freaking miserable.

I AM SICK AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not kidding. Yesterday around lunch time my nose started getting sniffly. It began to burn which happens when I'm getting the makings of sinus. I thought maybe it was cos I've had a few nose bleeds over the past week (on wednesday I had a really bad one after I got home but I think that was the heat) that my nose was being really sensitive. Oh no. I went to bed feeling really congested. Now I have a nice little cough back (for real, I only just got rid of it like a week ago!), a scratchy throat and THE WORST SINUS IVE HAD IN SO LONG!!!!!1111

I've had so much time off work in the past few weeks that I don't want to have another day off so I'm going in anyway tomorrow and hope to God I wake up in the morning feeling better. This is actually some sick joke lol. I had my weekend all planned out timewise, what I'd be doing and all that stuff -- but as it happened I spent most of today in bed trying to sleep. (It's the only way to go when you're all blocked in the head).

I figure I'll wake up early. Have a shower to fix my swollen sinus up and stay at work for the morning and leave around lunch if I don't feel very well. I have a friend coming in to pick up a DVD from me so I need to be there. Gosh, I really hope it's not going to be a busy day.

And just so you all know ... :P ... it's 14 days til my birthday as of today (13 sleeps!) hehe I'll be 23. Can you believe it?! What I've decided is that ... I'm not actually turning the year .... but don't get me wrong, I don't want to be rude, therefore, I'm still accepting the gifts :P

I hope I can get to Sydney after all.


Dorinny said...

I hope you feel better Jessy. How come you had work on Monday? hhmm.. maybe Labour Day is only a NSW public holiday? Anyway, get better.. and you're not celebrating your birthday, but you still want gifts? What a cop out! LOL j/k.. what do you want for your b/day jessy?

antonia said...

aww. sorry to hear you are ill again. definitly NOT FUN.
