Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Everything I said I wasn't,

I said I wasn't going to go to Sydney, but after the phone call I had with my bestfriend's Mum last night I decided I couldn't under any circumstances miss my bestfriend's 21st birthday. If it were anyone else, it would be different but man, they are so much like my second family and I miss her and her Mum so much and I want to go and spend some time there, as only Christmas night and boxing day wasn't enough.

I made a little bit of money that helped.

So I'll be gone for about a week I guess, maybe longer, I don't have a return ticket yet. I guess I'll wing it and see how I go. I might just stay longer to see other friends too. I'm not sure.

I might update from my friends place. I hope everyone is well and has a Merry Australia Day on the 26th haahahaha.

Take care & God Bless!


Unknown said...

Have a great time and be safe. Happy Australia day to you too! x

antonia said...

aw! You're a good friend!
Hope you have a wonderful time!
look forward to hearing from you soon!


ps- how was your new parish last Sunday?