Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I meant to scan this and put this up months ago but I just couldn't seem to be bothered hooking up my scanner and editing the picture and all... but some of you may remember that I delivered my witness before the diocese at the Mystagogy Mass back in june. I was really nervous and all, but it went perfectly well. My testimony was then printed in the July Catholic Life newspaper... and so I figured I'd post it here. I have edited out my personal details of course.

And so have a read if you can be bothered.

In other news I finally think I'm on to something with what I was whinging about last night thank goodness. I'll post more about it later.

The two interviews. Thanks strawberryblue for keeping me in your prayers, I really appreciate your kindness. :) They both went fine. The second was a medical assessment for a specific reason that's I feel a bit private about right now. The job interview was really great and I am really pleased with how it went. Hopefully I will have some work between now and Christmas. Fingers crossed.

I took this following pic of myself because I'm quite a cam whore, and I thought it was a bit funny. There's a whole private joke attached to me living inside of a cardboard box, renting it from a rather affluent friend. lol.... but it's a long joke and probably not at all funny to anyone if I were to tell the story so I'll just post the pic and shut up. haha.


Anonymous said...

Oh jess! Finally! Click and save! Loved it!

Dorinny said...

Jessy, great photo! LOL i also read your testimony.. good work. although, this "I delivered my witness before the diocese at the Mystagogy Mass " had me saying "what in the who what what?" im so confused. i guess it would be the same as if I told you that a few weeks ago I enjoyed a lovely kiddush in my friend's sukkah on shabbos. Love ya! and thanks for that chat last night. *muah*

antonia said...

great article! what a beautifukl witness you are!

and the pic is sweet!!
