Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Day Two: Kill Me Now.

I've managed to crawl out of bed long enough to come online and give you all a little wave to let you know I'm still alive. I'm still alive but barely. I have another illness thingo. I could feel the impending doom on monday getting ready to set in. Tuesday came, wasn't so bad but it was just setting the stage for the illness that hit me with a thud when I woke up this morning.

Needless to say I went back to bed and have been there til just now (it's 3pm) Everything is too bright, my eyes hurt, my nasal passage burns and my coughing feels somewhat like I imagine it would be to cough up a cut-throat razor.

Splendid. I have so many things to do and no time to do them cos I just feel such like crap that I want to lie down and let it all pass.


antonia said...

I'm so sorry you are so ill again Jess


Unknown said...

get well soon girly x