Tuesday, July 25, 2006

It never ceases to amaze me...

I know I said previously that I came from a really dark and spiteful place outside of my faith, but for some reason, it doesn't cease to amaze me just how spiteful some people are.

I'm a bit strange, I have a really strange sense of humour, I say and do weird and kooky things -- but it keeps me amused and those who care about me find it endearing and don't judge me. Some people, on the other hand, just take it as me being outright weird in a negative, "Omgoodness, I can't believe she's actually doing that... how stupid..." kind of way. Some even look down their nose.

It sort of both amuses me and makes me feel bad. It amuses me because sometimes people can be intimidated by me or they just don't really know how to take me. It's funny because they have me front about backwards, mostly -- and they assume way too much. It makes me feel bad because if something I say or do, isnt necessarily what someone else wants to see or hear, they think it's free reign to be vicious or rude to me. -- Or even spiteful. That hurts especially if I've tried so supremely hard to be nice to those people.

I guess I've always been pretty blunt -- so I'd just prefer if people said things to my face rather than about me. It hurts less that way and at least then I can aptly defend myself. It's not fair to hear third party information.

Speaking of kookiness, I had a funny weekend. Expect photographs tomorrow.

Let's just say, my Michael Jackson action figure met with a bevvy of Australian ... er... talent over the weekend. LOL. And I guess perhaps people have the right to think I'm strange. haha. More later.


Anonymous said...

Normal is over-rated. Strange is great!

I must hear about those MJ adventures!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, i wonder who u might be talking about.....and WHO CARES?
What makes us unique is our differences. If people want to snigger- let them...they're missing out on all the fun!

Anonymous said...

I sure hoped he grabbed some bums while he was there.

antonia said...

Hey Jess,

hope all is well with you! Haven't heard from you in a little while.



Anonymous said...

Maybe you should stop blaming others for their reactions and look at how you could improve yourself.

MJJ Insider said...

Maybe you should just go right back to the OGSF and mind your own business.

MJJ Insider said...

a fan forum, Clarissa.

MJJ Insider said...

haha you know it!

Anonymous said...

Who cares what anyone else thinks Jess - you are not hurting anyone, and personally I think the "behind the scenes bitching" is weak and pathetic and not worth worrying about. If they honestly had something valid to say, they would be brave and say it to your face.

I think sometimes people just don't like others having fun - sheesh, sad life really...