Thursday, February 15, 2007

Oh, Happy Day!

I am really full of joy. I know that this may sound a little strange, but I want to talk about it anyway. My diary is packed, and I mean, I have no time for anything but strangely this is a really satisfying thing. For the past few years I have really been yearning to be so busy that I would not have a single moment to myself. That I would either be studying and/or working and going out with friends and keeping up to date with responsibilities. That time is finally here.

I have been at school five days a week (it's full time, 9am til 3:30pm) for the past 2 weeks. I have assignments, I have practical work to start next week where I am required to spend the day with a 2 year old little boy to play and observe and to get started on my year's major assessment. I have lots of text book readings. I have web design jobs (yes, plural!) I have paid data entry work to get started on this weekend (I was given tomorrow off since there was a mess up in my time table, yay!). I have RCIA meetings once again as of next wednesday night. I am interested in starting some new volunteer work (but I will wait for another month just until everything settles) and I've got all my weekends booked until the middle of march. (I have kept this weekend free because I may need to arrange to meet with a woman from church and help her with her computer issues and also my car need some more repairs which thankfully has been paid in advance.)

I am absolutely loving my course thusfar. We are delving in to a bit of child psych and my text book isnt nearly as dry as I expected it to be. I have started realising little things about myself and my own childhood and experiences that shaped the way I am now. I am truly thankful to God because I trusted in Him and persisted in prayer for the past year and a half for Him to continue to guide me where it was that He wanted for me to be ... and never in a million years did I expect that I would be some day working with children... but here I am. And I love it and I know I will be great at my job and I am really excited about becoming a professional. I never thought I would be so excited about this either, which is weird -- cos I'm usually not the enthusiastic kind.

And it's interesting to learn and find out that the judgement that kids make upon each other isn't at all their own, it's more directed from the things around them what they pick up from their primary influences and after looking closely at children's developmental profiles I kind of recognise that children who say nasty things don't at all ever understand the ramifications of their words... I really believe that understanding that will be able to undo some of the grudges I've kept close to me for a really long time about certain people for certain reasons.

Anyhow, I've been watching, seeing, talking about and thnking constantly about children. I'm currently reading this book called understanding children, which I am finding fascinating. I've learned a lot in such little time. I have a feeling this year is going to fly.

Another amazing thing that happend to me last night / today was that I got a couple of messages from this awesome hip/hop /R&B singer that I have really loved since I was about 14 or 15. He left me a valentines message and another few comments on something else. I was pretty darn stoked!! It made my night/morning (I say night/morning cos I saw the first msg before I went to bed and more when I woke up.). I am such a lucky & blessed girl. :D

I need to go to bed now because it's 10:30 and I am exhausted (seriously, I've turned in to such a grandma, but I know I could never function on five hrs sleep these days.)

"Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." - Matthew 19:14

1 comment:

antonia said...

How can anyone not smile with joy after reading such a happy post like that?!!

I am *delighted* for you!!


Praise God!
