Friday, August 24, 2007

Sleep, interupted.

I'm trying to rest up as much as I can. This means putting my exciting concert weekend on the backburner because I don't think it's a good idea to go out in to the night air and also because I have been sent to the nebuliser every 4 hrs. Great.

So, four times I have dozed off this afternoon and do you believe that each of those 4 times I was awoken by the phone. The first time by SMS, the second and third time by the home phone ringing and fourth time by my mobile ringing. The good news is, is that the fourth call was from a guy who needed my bank details so he could pay me for a design that I've done for his website. Yay. We like money.

It must be nice to be a dog. My dog has been asleep next to me the whole afternoon while I've been tossing and turning and stirring and trying to rest. She lifts her head every now and then to belch in my face, and believe me... it's really quite potent and disgusting.

I'm sure she giggles to herself on the inside.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Woohoo., I'm sick again. Damn tonsilitis. I'm starting to think that I may have to have them removed? I have had tonsilitis about 5 times since the beginning of the year. I am yet again without the ability to speak. Some may think that this is a blessing. Mostly I'm annoyed because I am missing out on classes and because I can't lay down for more than a few minutes without having to spring back up to muster up the lung capacity to cough everything up. I hope it clears up by the weekend, I have a concert on, darn it!

I didn't break the new computer that I bought (surprisingly), but I did actually take it back because it turned out to be a heap of crap with lots of hard ware conflicts. My friend's loverly husband is in the midst of making a new one for me, building it from scratch.

My latest addiction is ... I love it. It is a great time waster.

Oh and the assignment that I posted down below? The advertisement for the television commercial? Yeah? well I got a distinction for it :)


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Exhaustion abounds, pt 2.

So here's a funny little story.

On monday I applied online to a child care agency with my friend Laura. I thought, this should be fun. I'll just see what happens... at least we were registered and who knew? Can you imagine my surprise when during class on tuesday they called Laura? Well, despite the fact that I was happy for her, I was a little disappointed that they hadn't yet called me. I figured it was because I answered some of the questions differently (like; no, I cannot lift a child 20kg or more! And no I would not be available to work every single day.) Then I joked that her surname begins with R and mine begins with T, so dur, of course they'd call her first.

And not 20 minutes later, I received a phone call. I got a date for a job interview on wednesday. They asked questions like if I'd be willing to obtain a first aid certificate (it's part of my course but we haven't got to it yet.) and if I was studying a dip 1 or just a certificate qualification (I'm studying dip 1, it's actually a higher qualification involving program planning and all.) and the woman doing the phone interview was lovely which helped. Then, almost ruining it all, she dropped the bombshell that the job would be at the same place I worked on job placement back in May. (Remember, the place I had to call in sick to almost every single day for 2 weeks because some snot nose gave me one heck of a chest infection + tonsilitis and just about anything else that came with it???)

Ok, don't panic, I thought. I just shrugged and thought oh well, I was legitimately sick and I think they realised it. I would have just hated if they bitched about me after I left, cos it seemed like that type of place sometimes. So I went for the interview on wednesday and I was asked to bring all of my ID, my bank account details and such... so I thought hmm, could be good? The director didn't remember me, but I explained who I was with a bit of a joke, "Remember me? I worked here on placement.... oh, you probably wouldn't remember, I was sick 97% of my time here." ...and we all laughed (like the end of a heman episode, lol) and the edge was taken off it.

We talked a bit and I filled out some forms and I gained the idea that she was pretty much happy to take me on as a casual "call-in" staff member (to do relieving duties or to fill in when others are sick) she said she'd send all my paper work back to head office and to come back with a copy of my study time table and my tax file dec and I'd hear back probably to see what happens.

So that was exciting. I went home feeling so confident about it. Then thursday my friend received a phone call from the centre as she is my working reference. She is a child sleep specialist among many other child-related talents, lol. And she gave me one heck of an amazing reference before her phone chugged out and they didn't call her back.

And on friday (yesterday) I had a day off from college --first one in ages and I figured that I'd get all kinds of things done, like go to the bank, drop off some post, study all day and work on assignments and of course treat myself to a sleep in no earlier than 10:30am.


I woke up at 8 and couldn't go back to sleep. So I laid in bed with my dog and we watched the Simpsons (her favourite is Homer too. I know, she told me.) and my Mum comes racing in to my room with her mobile phone and said it was the childcare centre. I was thinking huh?? Why are they calling Mum? So I answer gingerly, wondering wth was going on. It was the director in a bit of a state, "Jess are you able to work for me today? I have just received all your paper work so you are ready to go if you want to work." ... Of course I jumped at the chance. (And just to explain, she called my Mum because she didn't have my phone number, lol and my Mum's number was written down on the illness' form I'd filled in.)

So I worked yesterday ... my first day as a childcare worker. The pay is really good, I was pleasantly surprised. And the time went really fast. And the kids were so adorable. I had heaps of fun... most of the staff were fantastic as well. I just need to learn some positive management skills when it comes to discipline because I found some of the older children trying to test me to try to see how far they could push me -- I need to learn to be super confident in diffusing situations cos children can smell fear haha like animals, and I don't want them to walk all over me.

Anyway, so look at me go, I'm a childcare worker, officially! Thank you Jesus for answering all of my prayers. :D

Thursday, August 16, 2007

quick update.

job interview with childcare centre today. went perfect. probably have a job in the industry before i am even qualified. yippee.

have a new computer.

went to an awesome party with a bunch of friends on saturday night.

have 2 huge assignments due tomorrow morning. had no sleep. very tired.

friend dropped a massive big one on me about something that happened to her a few weeks ago. im still shocked, more about it later.

im going to sleep.

its been an amazing and blessed week but really feel like Ive got no time to breathe recently.

ah well, ill mull over that later.

may god shower every person who reads this with an abundance of blessings.

all my love,

Saturday, August 11, 2007

God is awesome.

I know I haven't written much on my blog lately --it's for two reasons; a; my computer blew up very literally and my laptop is a heap of crap that freezes and buggers up every half an hour. and b, because I've been really busy with my studies. Yep, I found the motivation I needed to work through everything. I basically turned to God, I found my inspiration. I found a new friend, I feel fresh -- I feel stronger in faith and I feel a mostly happier.

A friend of mine is going through some personal turmoils and I have really just dedicated myself to being there for her and facilitating her time as well as I can to alleviate some of her stress. I have realised how much this means to her which spurs me on more to be there for her and to be more giving of myself to the others around me that I love.

In other news, I wanted to share this video --- it is a commercial that I made in light of an assessment I had about child abuse. Basically, I cleaned up lol. I made this commercial using one of my close friends as an actor, and using other stock sounds for effects. It is supposed to portray a children's service -- so I made it and presented it to my class and teacher in DVD format and I am very proud of it, not to mention I am confident that I will receive a good mark.

So here it is :)

Also, I don't have mono / glandular fever / the kissing disease. It took awhile for my throat to heal up, but it feels a fair bit better today and yesterday. It still hurts a bit but I'm it will be okay. :)

And Mum and I are planning a trip to Sydney on the first week of September.

I'm interested to know what everyone thinks of the video, any how... so please let me know by blog comment... May God shower an abundance of blessings upon you and I will come back and post here in the next few days.

Miss all my blogees like mad.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Throat infection, singing, and procrastination.

lol, as usual, I go to bed with good intentions... and wake up without them. I've still failed to do much of anything. Why isn't that surprising? ... As I said to my friend today, I just ... well, I dunno.. I'm finding it so hard to give a shit -- about much. I miss Sydney, I miss my friends, I miss my Dad so much I can't even express. I miss Sharidan too, she's been overseas since March and she's pretty much my only true friend out here... I hope September will come soon.

On Sunday during Mass it came to my attention that I was having some problems opening my mouth too wide, (not that I generally walk around with my mouth agape, but yawning and eating, etc.) and my throat hurt a lot on the right side. I ran around the house telling anyone who'd listen (4 dogs and a cat and my Mum) that "OMGZ I HAVE THE KISSING DISEASE! [glandular fever]" ... only, I haven't shared drinks, kissed or shared saliva for oh, quite some time. It continued to hurt, hindering my ability to swallow normally for the past week. So I went to the Dr today, nevermind that I had to wait almost 2 hrs to see him, and he checked my throat out and apparently it's filled with pus! Yum.

Nasty throat infection. Let's now pump my body full of anti-biotics and see how it goes.

Still haven't found a decent doctor out here. and even the Drs that they say are "good" aren't as Mum and I call them, "real" doctors... I am thinking I might make an appointment for my old doctor closer to the city and save these cereal box drs for when I have to have cold / flu related check ups.

I was going to talk about my classes today, but I realised I can't be bothered and in fact, instead of doing home work, leisure work, or even any reading. I'm just going to go to bed.