Sunday, March 11, 2007

So... help me

I'm going to buy a domain and have my own blog at my own server... but I can't really seem to choose a name...

i used to own which was my favourite domain ever... but now its taken.

i also own but i use this predominently for a collective and i dont want anyone to google me and find my blog on that domain.

i want something pretty, that encompasses my personality, be it a play on words or something like that...

i tried to get but it's taken.

i want something slightly whimsical, I like disney, peter pan, neverlandish, 90s pop culture, michael jackson song lyrics, something funny, pretty, simpsons quote... oxymorons, etc.... Rent (musical)

any ideas??

other suggestions have been

I have been really sick in the stomach for the past few weeks but today I've finally felt so much better... Haha, I'd give more details but it's one of those ... overshare things.

Anyway, I'm gonna go back to the drawing board about this... any ideas, comment!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ooh.. not sure with this one. I want to eventually buy an Alyndabear domain one day, but how much does it actually COST? Meh.

I like the Jessticle one. But I'm weird like that.