Thursday, December 14, 2006

A conversation

Here is an exerpt of a strange conversation I had with someone I know about Jesus. She says she is a pentecostal Christian, but when I questioned her about her spite, she replied that "everyone else did it." I pointed out that perhaps she should make a better example and that just cos other people sin, doesn't make it okay for her to do it too. It was mostly about someone I had busted a bunch of people talking nastily about... She said that she didn't agree with everything her church said (anti-gay etc) I tried to approach it kindly, but it digressed in some kind of quasi-debate... and... it turned strange and I'm trying to understand, but I just don't really get it.

Her: no body's perfect.....not even Jesus and that's what i heard at my CHRUCH
Me: judging homosexuals and teaching that jesus wasnt perfect. So does that mean He wasn't free from Sin?
Me: where did they get that from? lol.
Her: they said he did things and repented which most christians do
Me: i mean like, how did they get that info... (im seriously just wondering)
Her: i wish you wouldn't mock my chruch
Me: im not mocking it ... id really like to know how on earth they got the info that jesus was a sinner and repented
Her: each faith is different and i don't like to judge other faiths (But yet it's okay for her to say nasty things about someone else when the person isn't there to defend themselves.)
Me: how come youre not answering my question about where they got that info from
Her: the pastors don't tell i don't know
Her: well i need to go to chruch is my chuch and i believe what i believe so can't we just leave it at that
Me: rightio, goodnight
Her: i thoght Catholics weren't meant to judge either...but oh well
Me: I'm not judging, I'm asking you to help me find the teaching.

... strange.


Unknown said...

She needs to be Catholic ;)

MJJ Insider said...

lol, i just think its funny how she doesnt want to judge any faith but right at the end before i have any time to respond she makes a little dig at my faith.

and then runs away... haha.


Anonymous said...

If that is true (or if she believes that) then in their minds they are trying to bring jesus to human level. So that we can feel better about ourselves. If he sinned..then we can too! (and then repent ofcourse!)
Trying to be in the image of jesus is a hard task....and some just want to make it a bit more feasable for themselves (not that im judging of course!) :)

MJJ Insider said...

Yeah, Sparks, I see that... lol. Round two began last night I busted them talking about me. She lied and told them I was bagging out her church and her faith... Erm, I'm a Christian too -- why would I?

Remind me to tell you about something else too later.

Anonymous said...

okay :)